How to Update Passport Information on United Airlines?

If you’re planning an international trip with United Airlines and have recently renewed your passport or experienced changes in your passport details, it’s essential to update this information on your airline reservations. Having accurate passport details on your booking is crucial to ensure a seamless travel experience. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the steps of   United airlines change passport number. For more information, call  US Number: OTA: +1-800-860-5036 or +1-800-241-6522.

Why Update Passport Information?

Updating your passport details and  United Change Passport Number with United Airlines is vital to prevent potential travel complications. Airlines rely on passport information to verify your identity and ensure you meet the entry requirements of your destination country. Mismatched passport details between your reservation and your actual passport can lead to delays, boarding denials, or entry issues at your destination.

How do I Change My Passport Number on United Airlines?

  • Visit United Airlines’ Official Website :

   – Start by opening your web browser and navigating to the official United Airlines website:

  • Log In to Your Account:

   – If you already have a United Airlines MileagePlus account, log in using your credentials. If not, you can easily create an account.

  • Access Your Reservations:

   – After logging in, locate the “My Trips” or “Manage Reservations” section. This is where you can view and modify your booked flights.

  • Select Your Reservation:

   – Identify the reservation for which you need to update passport information and click on it to access the booking details.

  • Update Passport Information:

   – Look for an option that allows you to edit passenger information or details. The location of this option may vary depending on the airline’s website design. It could be labeled as “Passenger Information” or “Traveler Details.”

  • Enter the New Passport Details:

   – You’ll be prompted to input the new passport information, including the passport number, issue date, and expiration date. Ensure that all details match your updated passport.

  • Review and Confirm:

  – Carefully review the passport details you’ve entered to verify their accuracy. Once you’re certain everything is correct, confirm the changes.

  • Save or Update:

    After confirming, the system should save your updated passport information. Double-check that the changes are reflected in your reservation.

  • Verify the Updates:

    It’s advisable to revisit your reservation to ensure that the passport information has been successfully updated. Confirm that the passport number matches the details in your new passport.

Additional Tips:

  • Early Update: It’s wise to update your passport information promptly upon receiving your new passport to avoid last-minute complications before your trip.
  • Travel Documentation: When traveling internationally, always carry both your old and new passports, especially if your passport was recently renewed.
  • Contact United Airlines: If you encounter any difficulties or have specific inquiries about updating passport information, don’t hesitate to reach out to United Airlines’ customer support for assistance. Dial US Number: OTA: +1-800-860-5036 or +1-800-241-6522.


1:- Why do I need to update my passport information with United Airlines?

Updating your passport information is crucial to ensure that the details on your airline reservation match your actual passport. Mismatched information can lead to travel disruptions.

2:- When should I update my passport information on United Airlines?

It’s best to update your passport information as soon as you receive your new passport to avoid last-minute issues before your trip.

3:- How do I access my United Airlines reservations online?

To access your reservations, visit the official United Airlines website, log in to your MileagePlus account, and navigate to the “My Trips” or “Manage Reservations” section.

4:- Can I update passport information for multiple travelers on the same reservation?

Yes, you can update passport information for multiple travelers in the same reservation. Ensure that you make the necessary changes for each passenger.

You can also call , call US Number: OTA: +1-800-860-5036 or +1-800-241-6522 for personalized assistance on this matter.

5:- What passport details can I update on United Airlines’ website?

You can typically update your passport number, issue date, and expiration date on the airline’s website. Make sure all details match your new passport. For personalized assistance, call , call US Number: OTA: +1-800-860-5036 or +1-800-241-6522.


Maintaining accurate passport information on your United Airlines reservations is a straightforward yet critical step to ensure a hassle-free international travel experience. Taking care of this task well in advance of your journey will help you avoid potential issues at airports or immigration checkpoints. For more information on How to Update Passport Information on United Airlines, call US Number: OTA: +1-800-860-5036 or +1-800-241-6522.

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