Can you cancel Expedia flights within 24 hours? – Skynair

Planning a trip can be exhilarating, but life is unpredictable, and sometimes plans need to change. Expedia recognizes the need for flexibility and offers a valuable 24-hour cancellation policy to address it. In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of Expedia 24-hour cancellation feature, answering common questions and guiding you on how to utilize this benefit effectively. For more information, call OTA : +1-800-860-5036.

The 24-Hour Cancellation Window

Expedia 24 hour cancellation grants you the freedom to cancel most flight bookings within 24 hours of making the reservation. This is a crucial safety net, providing you with the flexibility to reconsider or adapt to unforeseen circumstances shortly after confirming your flight.

Eligibility for 24-Hour Cancellation

It’s important to note that not all flight bookings qualify for the 24-hour cancellation privilege. Eligibility depends on various factors, including the airline’s individual policies and the fare type selected during booking. To determine if your specific flight reservation on Expedia is eligible for expedia free cancellation 24 hours, review the booking’s terms and conditions carefully.

How to cancel an Expedia flight?

Expedia cancel flight within 24 hours of booking on Expedia is a straightforward process. Here are the steps:

  •    Visit Expedia’s official website: Click on or download the app to your device.
  •    Locate Your Booking: Identify the flight reservation you intend to cancel within the 24-hour timeframe.
  •    Click “Cancel Flight”: Look for the option to cancel your flight and select it.
  •    Review and Confirm: Thoroughly examine the cancellation details and any associated fees, if applicable. Confirm the cancellation.
  •    Confirmation Email: Expedia will send you an email confirming the cancellation. It’s advisable to retain this email for your records.

Flight Cancellation Guidelines

Before cancelling it is mandatory to revise the terms and conditions associated with different fare types bought with Expedia.

Flights booked with Expedia points

You can cancel flights booked with Expedia Rewards points depending on the airline cancellation policy, which you can review on your itinerary. Here’s how:

  • Visit
  • Go to My Trips.
  • Locate the booking you wish to cancel.
  • Select “Cancel Flight” and follow the instructions.

The Expedia Rewards points used for the booking will be refunded to your Rewards balance, minus any cancellation fees. Expedia Rewards points are worth $1 each – so if the cancellation fee is $200, it will cost you 200 points. If you paid for part of the booking using both points and a credit card, cancellation fees are charged first to your Rewards balance, with the remainder charged to your card if you don’t have enough points to cover the fee.

Refundable vs. non-refundable fares

Fare Type Refundable Non-Refundable
Availability Not available for all flights Commonly offered, but not guaranteed
Cancellation Policy Refundable if canceled before departure Typically, a credit for future travel is offered depending on airline rules
Fee for Benefit No additional fees Airline may or may not charge a fee for using credit

What to do if Expedia cancels your flight?

If Expedia cancels your flight, it’s because an airline that you’re booked with has cancelled the flight. If this happens to you, or if the airline you’re booked with notifies you of the flight cancellation directly, here’s what to do:

  1. Go to “My Trips” to see which airline(s) you’re booked with and the current status of your flights.
  2. If your booking is on a full-service airline, Expedia will work with the airline to find you a similar flight. Expedia will notify you through its app, email, or text you the new flight information. 
  3. If necessary, follow the instructions you’ll receive to confirm the new flights. Once the flights are confirmed you will receive a email with the new flight details.

Additional Considerations

While expedia 24 hour cancellation is a valuable feature, it’s imperative to be mindful of the specific terms and conditions tied to your booking. Particular airlines might impose stricter regulations, particularly for non-refundable fares. Always double-check the particulars before confirming any alterations.


1:- Can cancel Expedia flights within 24 hours?

Yes, Expedia generally allows you to cancel flights within 24 hours of booking without facing cancellation fees. This provides flexibility for changing plans shortly after reservation. Always review specific terms and conditions for eligibility and details.

2:- How do I access my booking to cancel within 24 hours on Expedia?

Log in to your Expedia account using your credentials. Locate your booking under the “Trips” or “My Bookings” section. If you’re a guest user, enter your confirmation number and the last name of the primary traveler.

3:- Can I cancel my flight after the 24-hour window on Expedia?

If you missed the 24 hour time frame, don’t worry. You can still cancel your flight even after the 24 hour window, but there may be fees or restrictions. It depends on the airline and your fare type. You have to understand their cancellation policy and review the rules and regulations before cancelling.

4:- Can I modify my flight within 24 hours on Expedia?

If you need to make modifications to your flight, such as changing the dates or destination, it’s recommended to contact Expedia’s customer support for guidance. Call +1-800-860-5036.


I hope you have got the answers for Can you cancel Expedia flights within 24 hours? Benefit with  Expedia 24-hour cancellation policy to change or cancel your flight bookings without extra charges with specific restrictions.

So, always check the terms and conditions of your reservation on Expedia to ensure it qualifies for free cancellation within 24 hours. So have peace of mind and take control of your travel plans with Expedia before cancelling your trips.

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